Unlike several other offices on the small council, the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard cannot be lawfully dismissed, or at least not totally dismissed from the Kingsguard, because their vows are taken for life. Loras Tyrell was briefly the Lord Commander of the Rainbow Guard, as Renly called his Kingsguard. In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the leaders of rival Kingsguards, such as those of Renly Baratheon and Daenerys Targaryen, have also used the rank of "Lord Commander".
2.1.2 Lords Commander to rival claimants. Ser Loras Tyrell was the Lord Commander of King Renly Baratheon's rival Kingsguard before his death. The current Lord Commander of the Kingsguard is Ser Brienne of Tarth. The seat however, was restored to the small council under King Bran Stark. During the reign of King Robert Baratheon, the position was stripped of its small council seat. His role on the council is to give military advice on land-based warfare (separate from the Master of Ships, who handles naval affairs). The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard also holds a seat on the king's small council by virtue of his office. The position was founded, along with the Kingsguard itself, by Aegon the Conqueror, who united the Seven Kingdoms three hundred years before the War of the Five Kings. Given that there are only seven Kingsguard members at any one time, including the Lord Commander himself, it is usually an easy matter to keep track of their identities at court and on the battlefield. The Lord Commander wears the same uniform armor as the regular members of the Kingsguard, with no difference in appearance or regalia. The king usually appoints a new Lord Commander from one of the current serving members of the Kingsguard, though there may have been exceptional cases in which a knight was instantly appointed to the Kingsguard as well as the position of Lord Commander. In the case of a female sovereign (and thus a Queensguard rather than a Kingsguard), the title is Lord Commander of the Queensguard. The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard is the head of the Kingsguard, appointed by the king himself. Anyone who attacks the crown is unfit to serve as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard." ― Tommen Baratheon to his father " You attack the Faith you attack the Crown.